The Nucleus of a Multiprogramming System

Design a system in which mode of operatin could be changed.(This means it will make a general system to support anything)

The system only has two layers: Process & Nucleus (software extension of hardware structure)
-Internal process: Execution of programs in a given storage area
-external process: input/output of a given document
-process communication (information transfer):

  • message buffering
  1.  Each  process has message buffers and message queue.
  2.  We know receiver process, but semaphore doen't know who will use that. The disadvantage is also obvious, additional buffers will be used and managed
-Scheduling: round-robin
-Initially all resources are owned by the basic operating System S

Message Passing & Semaphore are two major approaches for IPC.
In Semaphore System ,all the resources are EXPOSED, processes have the knowledge of existing resource, but when they try to access them, they may be blocked.
In Message Passing System: resources are passed as message between different processes.



Embedded System interview Question


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