Nim Game Leetcode python

My first impression is to use dp, no need to store all three values just use a,b,c
a is if I can win, if I pick one nim, b is if I pick two nim, c is if I pick three nim

But this will cause Memory Error in python

Then I used a loop and printed all the results within range 10, and found only if it's the multiple of 4 that will return False

Runtime: 32 ms

class Solution(object):
def canWinNim(self, n):
:type n: int
:rtype: bool
# a,b,c = False,False,False
# for x in range(1,n+1):
# current = False
# if a == False:
# current = True
# if b == False:
# current = True
# if c == False:
# current = True
# a,b,c = current,a,b
# return a
               return n%4 !=0

s = Solution()
for x in xrange(10):
print s.canWinNim(x)



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