Search a 2D Matrix I,II
- Integers in each row are sorted from left to right.
- The first integer of each row is greater than the last integer of the previous row.
First search the first column to decide which row using binary search
Then, search the row from step one using binary search
class Solution:
def searchMatrix(self, matrix, target):
row = len(matrix)
if row ==0:
return False
col = len(matrix[0])
start,end = 0,row-1
while start <end:
mid = (start+end)/2
if matrix[mid][0] > target:
end = mid-1
elif matrix[mid][0] < target:
start = mid+1
return True
row = end if target>=matrix[end][0] else end-1
start,end = 0,col-1
while start <=end:
mid = (start+end)/2
if matrix[row][mid] < target:
start = mid+1
elif matrix[row][mid] > target:
end = mid-1
return True
return False
- Integers in each row are sorted in ascending from left to right.
- Integers in each column are sorted in ascending from top to bottom.
I used the solution from 1st problem, first narrow down the row,col only search rows where first element matrix[row][0] is not greater than target and column matrix[0][col] <= target, thus we get a smaller matrix, then use binary search, but this proven to ben slow
I saw solution in discuss, start from top right most element, if it's greater than target then row+=1, since it's can't be in the current row, else if it's less than target col-=1, since target is smaller than the smallest element in the column
class Solution:
# @param {integer[][]} matrix
# @param {integer} target
# @return {boolean}
def searchMatrix(self, matrix, target):
row = len(matrix)
if row == 0:
return False
col = len(matrix[0])
i,j = 0,col-1
while i < row and j >=0:
value = matrix[i][j]
if value < target:
elif value > target:
return True
return False