Palindrome Pairs Leetcode

I used python hash table, first add all words to dictionary, then for each word partition it check if the reverse of first half/second half is in dictionary, if it is, add it to result. One tricky input is when word is empty, we have to consider it.

The complexity is O(n*m) where m is the word length, and n is total number of words
The method is not very efficient

134 / 134 test cases passed.


Runtime: 872 ms
Submitted: 31 minutes ago
class Solution(object):
def isPalindrome(self,word):
return word == word[::-1]
def generatePairs(self,index1,index2):
s = "{},{}".format(str(index1),str(index2))
return s
def palindromePairs(self, words):
:type words: List[str]
:rtype: List[List[int]]
ret = []
d = {}
pairs = {}
for i,word in enumerate(words):
d[word] = i

for word in words:
for i in xrange(0,len(word)+1):
first_rev = word[:i][::-1]

if first_rev in d and self.isPalindrome(word[i:])  and d[first_rev] != d[word]:
pair = self.generatePairs(d[word],d[first_rev])
if pair not in pairs:
pairs[pair] = True

  second_rev = word[i:][::-1]
if second_rev in d and self.isPalindrome(word[:i]) and d[second_rev] != d[word]:
pair = self.generatePairs(d[second_rev],d[word])
if pair not in pairs:
pairs[pair] = True
return ret



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