1. What are static variables? Static variable in a function only remain one copy of itself. Static variable in a module can be used by any function in the module Static function can only be called in its class 2. What are volatile variables? Volatile variables may change its value unexpectedly in the program. The program will check its value every time, it tries to use it. If a variable is not volatile, the program may keep a copy of the var in its cache. 3. What do you mean by const keyword ? A constant variable is a read only variable. You cant change its value else where except initialization. 4. What is interrupt latency? Interrupt latency is the time between the generation of interrupt and the time for interrupt handler to process it. 5. How you can optimize it? We may use polling and message passing for interrupt to handle interrupt immediately. 6. What is size of character, integer, integer pointer, character pointer? The size of character i...